The Impact Activation Academy

12 weeks to Activate your leads and Catapult your Sales!
with: Claire Nicole Stansfield

If you dream of   making a difference in the world and owning a business that lights your soul on fire and has you jumping out of bed in the morning because you feel so deeply connected to your mission and purpose.

Then you my lovely are in the right place!

Imagine checking in daily with your tribe of loyal followers that feel your energy and momentum from your local town, and across the globe

These raving fan clients eagerly await your next post, your next offer and buy from you with ease…

Giving you, not only a life full of meaning and impact, but also cash in the bank to live your life finally on your own terms.

Well my lovely, its time to wake up and stop dreaming!
The Impact Activation Academy is going to give you the PROVEN and EFFECTIVE tools and mindset support to go ahead and once and for all START MAKING THIS YOUR REALITY.
Last summer I made £44k in sales in 10 weeks
Now Im not saying this to be braggy and this is also not a get rich quick course, I had to do a whole lot of mindset work to get to a place where that happened, that’s why I’ve included a module dedicated to your beliefs and your mindset and why all my courses come with personalised coaching.
So far, business has felt somewhat challenging- and thats me being polite! You may call it something else!!

lets be honest…

You’ve been spending more time scrolling for answers than you have taking aligned action, downloading one free PDF to the next free live stream series.

Some days you feel like pulling your hair out because everyone’s giving different advice and you don’t know how to pull the pieces of the puzzle together.

You feel like there must be a secret someone is keeping from you.

I honestly cant recommend Claire enough!

During my coaching with Claire, I have TRIPLED the size of my business! My mindset has improved so much.

I have increased sales, increased profit, increase social media followers and engagement!

I’m owning my own value, and I’m thinking like a boss. Claire is totally honest, unbiased and always on hand for support in between sessions. If you want to take your business to the next level, I 100% recommend you have business coaching with Claire.

- Pipa Cross

Business Owner, 'Be You Weddings'

You come off your latest social media scrolling binge feeling deflated, and wondering how will you ever stand out online in the sea of social media posts.

There seem to be so many people doing what you want to be doing…with more followers than you, more jammy content, more engagement, better branding pics- you name it you have identified it as a reason that its hard for you to stand out online.

You’re posting your offers it looks as clear as day to you what you offer and yet no bites. Maybe you need to change your Instagram Bio for the gazillionth time this month, or perhaps you need a new freebie- I mean you’ve heard growing your email list is important too right?

Or how about you start using LinkedIn?

You’re dancing from one platform, to one strategy to another.

What you really need is a step by step simple framework to follow, with firmly rooted and an action plan you feel fits you and your business.

Claire has taken me out of my comfort zone, and taken me from a baby in business to a blossoming business lady and I cant thank her enough!

I am now fully booked with one to one coaching clients and working on an online course so I can earn a passive income whilst on maternity leave.

Claire thank you so much for showing me the confidence I didn’t know I had.

You are a Queen.

- Jemma Malon

Business Owner, The Empowered Mums Coach

You are so done with playing mediocre.
Your business is not an expensive hobby, and you are fed up of it feeling that way.

YOu’ve had a few clients so far, but your’e not sure quite how they stumbled across you, and you have no idea how to repeat the process.

The Impact Activation Academy Is for you…
>> If you are ready to stop posting content and hearing crickets

>> Ready to stop feeling overwhelmed

>> Done- and I mean done with playing small, you don’t want to be some wall flower, you want to be a stand out bold and bright sunflower…

…you are ready to stand out online like the expert and the leader you were put on this planet to be