6 Figure
Mindset Mastery
Master the Mindset of the
6 figure version of you…
A money making machine!
This is a potent 4 week Transformational Coaching Intensive,
Where you’ll learn and be supported to finally let go of the stories keeping you stuck, break free and become unstoppable.
as seen in…

My mindset has allowed me to build 4 successful businesses now, including:
The largest mobile hair & make up company in the UK, AND my 6 figure + online coaching business.
In fact, everyone you look at online whose smashing their goals has learned how to master their mindset.
When I work with my client and take them from barely making sales to fully booked and 10k months with a waitlist…
…we begin here!

Because Beauty,
your mindset effects your energy, and the action you take.
If you haven’t mastered your mindset, it will take so much longer to get results.
So if you don’t yet have what’s on your vision board yet…
Ready to unearth the truth of what’s really holding you back, so you can finally gain the ultimate power over it, to break free and make quantum leaps in manifesting your dream life and business to make 2022 your best year yet in life and in your business?
Hello consistent 5 figure months!
That’s why I have decided to bring you my first ever
Mindset Mastery course – Whoop whoop
You spend more time online scrolling looking for the answers outside of yourself, what’s sally 7 steps saying today?
You’re stuck in comparisonitis wondering what the off to stand out with so many other badass woman
You’re with your family, but not full present.. Asking yourself shitting questions like- whats wrong with me?
You want 2022 to be the year you feel alive and shine your bright light into the world to really make a difference

I totally hear you
When I first came into the online space, I was drowning in a sea of what other people were doing, I could barely get up for air. I felt suffocated, not good enough and every morning I woke up thinking- Maybe today I will move forward…
I’d be with my family and be glued to my phone, somehow it felt like the answer were somewhere in that little box, all along I was looking outside of myself…
When I began looking inside, and was supported to unlock my unique magic, everything changed and I made £44k in sales in 10 weeks, and went on to hit £111,000k cash in my first full year of my coaching business, the results have continued.
I want that for you
6 Figure CEO Mindset Mastery
Ready to become a money making machine!
this is for you if:

You are fed up of feeling frustrated, watching everyone else succeed and are ready to step into your ultimate CEO power to shine and have your own wins right alongside them

You are ready to break free from analysis paralysis

You are ready to find Clarity, confidence and courage to take action and grow your dream 6 figure business.

You are ready to feel radiant and unstoppable

You want a deeply transformation coaching experience led by an accredited ICF mindset coach and a Tony Robbins Strategic Intervention Coach

You are ready to get out of your own way and do the most important work of all

Want to hit 6 figures in 2022 and know that the most important tool of all is your mind.
Here’s what’s included
4 Transformational Mindset workbooks to shift from feeling stuck, frustrated,
imposter syndrome to stepping into the
Bad Ass CEO 6 figures BOSS you were born to be!
2 Group Q & A/ Coaching sessions
1 Group Mindset and Energy shift Fear Inventory and release workshop.
Black Friday Offer

In the first 10 days of working together I renamed my business, landing a high-end client, redid my branding and design, and found my ideal client and message.
I have now started to scale my business selling group coaching programs, and online courses as well as serving one to one clients consistently.
Now my income is 5x from the last month and 6x from before!”

- Alexis Krecelic

- Kate Avery
Beyond pleased that I joined!”
During my coaching with Claire, I have TRIPLED the size of my business! My mindset has improved so much.
I have increased sales, increased profit, increase social media followers and engagement!
I’m owning my own value, and I’m thinking like a boss. Claire is totally honest, unbiased and always on hand for support in between sessions. If you want to take your business to the next level, I 100% recommend you have business coaching with Claire.”

- Pipa Cross

- Ruth Gilbey
If you want to move forward and have a successful business I highly recommend working with Claire.”
“Claire helped me make £100k in sales in 6 months.
Claire helped me DOUBLE my sales in the first month of working together, I grew my team and created training courses to add an additional revenue stream which have sold out each time generating me an EXTRA £4,000 a month! In the 6 months working with Claire I have made 6 figures in sales!
All things I dreamed of doing and never thought in such a short space of time this was possible. As well as helping me create a more professional image for my business and gain more bookings, she has helped me get into the best frame of mind to believe in myself and push myself more than I ever would have without her. As well as exciting, It was quite scary investing money in a business coach but within the first month of working with Claire I made the money back! It has definitely been the best investment I have ever made in my business and myself and highly recommend her to anyone who wants to grow their business"

- Catherine Taylor
Black Friday Offer